Thursday, February 12, 2015

Williams Towers 2015

Presenting “John Malvin” and understanding in real time.
The road has been rough, but I have made it.  I have researched, and researched again to determine I am about as clear as I can be on this part of the subject.  Now that I have gotten this far, the trials have begun.  People that have posed to be a friend, and now showing their true colors.
I have learned that observation, and listening; is the key.  Keeping silent is almost impossible because some people just won’t let you, and then when it is time to speak up, speak up.  There is a controlled language, and some people pretend they don’t know what one is talking about.  THEY KNOW.  Usually; these are the individuals that have put these things into existence.  The term is Cognitive dissidence.  
Howard Carter

1 comment:

  1. I'll try to give you some help. The term is cognitive dissonance, and it has nothing to do with what you're writing about.
