Presenting “John Malvin” and understanding in real time.
The road has been rough, but I have made it. I have researched, and researched again to
determine I am about as clear as I can be on this part of the subject. Now that I have gotten this far, the trials
have begun. People that have posed to be
a friend, and now showing their true colors.
I have learned that observation, and listening; is the key. Keeping silent is almost impossible because
some people just won’t let you, and then when it is time to speak up, speak
up. There is a controlled language, and
some people pretend they don’t know what one is talking about. THEY KNOW.
Usually; these are the individuals that have put these things into
existence. The term is Cognitive
Howard Carter
Howard Carter
I'll try to give you some help. The term is cognitive dissonance, and it has nothing to do with what you're writing about.