Wednesday, April 22, 2015

N. Hill 2015

North Hill Outdoor Market Vendor Application

Sunday, June 7, 2015- Sunday, September 6, 2015

1:00pm-4:00pm Martin Lauer Apartments Park (Corner of N. Howard & Cuyahoga Falls


The Festival will be on the Corner of N. Howard St. and Cuyahoga Falls Ave at the Park

behind Martin Lauer Apartments. Booth placement will depend on vendor type and

available space. All vendors will be notified of placement by June 4, 2015.

• No rain date. No refunds. This is a Sunday only event (June-September).

• Set-up no earlier than 11 a.m. but must be set up and ready by 12:30pm. No vehicles

will be allowed on the grounds after Noon.

• Applications due by May 25, 2015 register early to reserve your booth.

150th Anniversary of the End of the Civil War 2015

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Putting it together can be the hardest part of the whole event itself.  Placing things in the order that should go, is vital.  Things will fit. Special effects is one of the best tools in the tool box.  It is important to have the shots, places, things.

One must go boldly to the next step.  This is the 150th Anniversary of the End of the Civil War, and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.  John Malvin will appear somewhere along the trail.  

Howard Carter

Saturday, February 28, 2015

lovely Day

Today is a beautiful day.  God has smiled on me.  I have started with the presentation, and I have $10.00 to start with that was earned at Williams Towers.  I want to be able to present “John Malivn” today since it is the last day of Black History Month.
I have learned to ask for what you want.  People, especially Black Women are looking for a bargain!  DON’T EVER FORGET THAT!  This is finances, Willie Lynch ran into problems with the black people about the almighty dollar.
If no one wants to hear it, I’ll read it to me again.

Howard Carter

Proceed with caution.

I am blessed.  I thank God for the many blessings.  Working hard and being persistent has its PERTs.  I will attempt once again to do what is his will.
Howard Carter
I have the o.k. to use the University of Akron Library.  I will proceed with caution.  Things are not always what they seem.  Welcome to the Lenten Season 2015.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Howard Carter

Thursday, February 26, 2015

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This seems to be a good time to present "John Malvin" There is activity and interest in the canal.
Thanks Jean T. for your belief in me, and allowing me an opportunity to begin. That is Everything Akron.
Howard Carter

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Selling John Malvin 2015 Williams Towers

Selling John Malvin 2015
Selling the John Malvin Story seems a little harder than it seems.  I have to be precise and ask for what I want.  I cannot expect anyone to do anything that has not been asked for.  Things are not always what they seem.  It is important to explore and research everything so in times of trouble; we know exactly how to act.
There will be those that say they are your friend.  That is a common thing here in Ohio.  In the south, we know exactly where our place is.  In the north one must be exceptionally careful.  Choose wisely, and be sure you choose the truth.  “Truth” is your only defense.  Never compromise your integrity; no matter what.
It is the 2015 Spring Season let us spring into action with the Grace Park Block Club and the Howard Carter Foundation 2015
Howard Carter

African American Celebration 2015 Haven of Rest

Today I must have done something right.  I have a pip appointment; I was able to attend the African American Celebration held at the Heaven of Rests.  This is their 23 celebration, and I was allowed a Large Fried Chicken Breast, a Large Piece of Fried Whiting Fish, and a good portion of Mac, and Cheese like mama made.
It feels a little raw to be outside looking in; but right now this is the safest place to be.  I will concentrate my energies on the University of Akron.  The evil ones look as though they are winning, but do not be dismayed.
Today; one of the people that continually attempts to interact with me, was on stage at the Haven of Rest.  The African American Celebration was an acknowledgement of something; I’m just not sure what it was.  There was drumming, and singing, and speaking.
There was a white drummer, singing was too loud, speaker almost ran out of time before he actually said something worth listening to.  I heard something about African American Celebration, and then God.  Then the celebration was over.
It would have been nice to hear about some kind of African, or Black person, that has done, or is doing something in the community to empower the African.  That did not happen.  We need to educate out people and stop depending on this type of thing.
Don’t get me wrong.  Celebration is good.  Free is good, but our children need to know that we have to work hard for things.  Money is the way, and reason our children don’t have anything.  Free is not good because we will never know our worth.

Howard Carter